Call for Workshops/Tutorials

BHI 2024 Workshop/Tutorial Proposal Instructions

Deadline for proposal submission: July 13, 2024

The IEEE International Conference on Biomedical and Health Informatics BHI) is the flagship conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society on the topics of informatics and computing in healthcare and life sciences.

The program for BHI 2024 will feature workshop/tutorials that serve to bring new and emerging areas of interest to the BHI community (i.e., large language models for biomedical and clinical research, cutting edge advances in AI for health, digital health and more). Each workshop/tutorial may be delivered by a group of leading researchers in their respective areas. The duration of a workshop is expected to be a half day (approximately 3 hours). A scientific committee will be established by the workshop organizers to ensure the quality of presentations and materials offered to the registrants. There will be two categories of presentations:

  • Workshops will cover current and future trends in multi-disciplinary and cross-disciplinary areas of BHI, including but not limited to emerging trends in enabling technologies of devices and sensors, hardware and software systems, predictive models, databases, and big data analytics that optimize the acquisition, transmission, processing, monitoring, storage, retrieval, analysis, visualization and interpretation of vast volumes of multi-modal biomedical data, as well as related social, behavior, environmental, and geographical data. Workshop organizers will select a panel of reviewers for reviewing the presentations and materials offered to workshop registrants.
  • Tutorials will provide reviews of a specific area related to health informatics, behavioral informatics, health data analytics, and health informatics education, including current research directions, challenges, and state-of-the-art practices, but may also involve registrants through hands-on experience or demonstrations. Tutorials can be organized by a company, a group of companies, or a group of leading researchers featuring presentations/papers/panels.

Prospective organizers of workshops/tutorials should submit proposals indicating:

  • Title of the workshop/tutorial
  • Motivation, indicating the novelty of the topic, relevance to BHI, and why it is timely
  • Short biography of the organizers
  • Structure, indicating the format of the workshop/tutorial and identifying the inclusion of keynote speakers, panels, invited papers, technical sessions, etc.
  • List of potential speakers. Workshop/tutorial organizers should contact the speakers and secure their participation in the workshop/tutorial.
  • Review the plan, including whether members of the BHI TPC are requested to assist in reviews.

The selection process of workshop proposals will be based on a set of criteria:

  • The topic of the workshop, taking into account the scientific content, the timeliness of the
    topic, and the level of the expected audience.
  • Background and credentials of the solicited speakers.
  • Existence of competing proposals.

Paper Submission and Review

Presentations/papers/panels featured in workshops will not undergo review by the BHI 2024 TPC and will not appear in IEEE-Xplore Proceedings. Presentations and materials offered to workshop registrants will be reviewed by the reviewer panel selected by the workshop organizers. The organizers are fully responsible for ensuring the quality of the workshop content.

Workshop Promotion and Material for the Registrants

Workshop information (call for papers, program/speakers, etc.) will be provided on a dedicated page of the web site and will be updated accordingly. Workshop registrants will be able to download any material provided by the workshop organizer(s) from the workshop website. Workshop organizer(s) may provide additional materials such as handouts to the participants during the workshop.