Leveraging Technologies and its Applications for Improved Public Health, Safety, and Well-being
Sunday | November 10, 2024 | 9:00 – 10:30
Public Safety is a key imperative that affects all of us especially seen last year from the wildfires in Canada that generated significant smoke that impacted the air quality across the United States or that of natural disasters like the earthquakes in Japan and Turkey. In addition, the health and wellness of public safety personnel is an important component of any public safety operation. Public Safety Technology per se is not considered a technology but comprises all the various technologies that can and do contribute to public safety health needs. These range from, but not limited to artificial intelligence, machine learning, intelligent data, augmented and virtual reality, digital twins, sensors, and Internet of Things (IoT). Emphasis will be upon presenting practical applications and their implementations of interest to attendees. Subject matter expert speakers will comment on current and past implementations all towards development for improved public health, safety, and well-being.
IEEE Future Directions launched this initiative on public safety technology.
Advances in AI and Informatics for Mental Health and Neuroscience
Sunday | November 10, 2024 | 9:00 – 10:30
This special session aims to explore the intersection of artificial intelligence (AI), informatics, and mental health. By leveraging AI and advanced informatics, we can better understand, diagnose, and treat mental health disorders and advance the field of neuroscience. This special issue seeks to bring together groundbreaking research and innovative applications that demonstrate how AI and informatics are transforming mental health care and neuroscience.
Generative Artificial Intelligence technologies in health informatics
Sunday | November 10, 2024 | 11:00 – 12:30
Artificial Intelligence(AI) technologies in Smart Health Patients Safety, Care for Connected Health, Intelligent Diagnostics, and Predictive Health AI Edge Computing, integrated within Smart hospitals environments, have opened up new opportunities in healthcare systems and complex diseases predictions and early detection like heart and stroke diseases. In the recent research of Artificial Intelligence technologies in healthcare, we witness is a high competition and new revolution.
This Special session calls for papers that focus on innovative artificial Intelligence and deep learning technologies to develop an Integrated Real-Time IOT-AI Smart Heart/stroke units inside Hospitals and to introduce a New IoMT-AI-based Heart/stroke platform. Top research is expected on AI technologies like expert systems including Deep Learning models, transformers, ECG IOT signals processing, EEG brain signals processing, Expert systems as Case-Based reasoning (CBR) system for diagnosis, treatment and management of similar patients’ cases. Research on the Intelligent IOT- Hospital Edge Connected Health Diagnostic and Predictive Systems and tele-monitoring for Acute Ischaemic Stroke and Smart Health Home Care services and the new AI tele-monitoring model for patient as a health assistant tools will be greatly appreciated, correlated with the Mobile Health technologies, Mobile Cloud computing techniques, Edge computing technologies of industries.
AI in Ophthalmology
Sunday | November 10, 2024 | 11:00 – 12:30
This session is devoted to Biomedical and Health Informatics for the Eye. While we have many sessions devoted to informatics of the heart, the brain, the lungs and other primary organs, we often forget about the tiny 500-micron organ at the back of our eyeballs that enables us to perceive the world – the retina! Recent work has shown us that the eye can even be a window to overall body health – neurologic, cardiovascular, and other systemic disorders (e.g., RetFound foundation model, Zhou et al., Nature 2023). This special session is focused on the success and future promise of AI in Ophthalmology. This session will appeal to audiences from all areas of AI and medicine: from AI engineers/data scientists, computer vision/image processing experts, and clinicians to ethicists/experts on AI regulatory approval. We will cover topics related to imaging, AI models, the role of medical-expert eye movements in ophthalmology, and the translation of this knowledge to the ophthalmic clinic, to ophthalmic education, and to the real-world.
Organizers: Kaveri A. Thakoor (Columbia University Medical Center), Yu Gan (Stevens Institute of Technology)